Navigating Road Traffic Accidents in Ireland: How to File a Claim

Ireland has a no-fault insurance system for the most part, but there are still cases where it makes sense to seek compensation from another party. If you have been injured in a car accident or on your bicycle, here’s what you need to know about filing a claim for injuries.

What is a road traffic accident?

A Road traffic accident solicitor is an incident involving motor vehicles. It can be a collision, or a vehicle hitting a pedestrian. It can also be an incident where the vehicle is not moving, but the driver is injured.

In Ireland, there are three types of claims for personal injury:

  • Negligence – This occurs when someone does something wrong and causes you harm (e.g., they don’t stop at a red light)
  • Breach of contract – This happens when someone fails to live up to their legal obligations towards you (e.g., if your employer doesn’t pay you properly).
  • Product liability – This happens when something goes wrong with an item that has been supplied by someone else (e.g., if your child gets hurt while using his new bike).

Who can file a claim?

You are only eligible to file a claim if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • You must be over 18 years old.
  • You were injured in an accident.
  • You were not at fault for causing the accident, and your injuries did not arise from a pre-existing medical condition (such as arthritis).
  • Your injuries are not covered by your personal insurance policy or any other insurance policy (e.g., employer-provided health benefits).

Who pays for your injuries?

Who pays for your injuries?

In Ireland, the motorist who caused an accident is liable for all damages. The injured party can file a claim with this person’s insurance company and make a claim for compensation in court if they are unsatisfied with their offer. If you have been injured as a result of being hit by another car or truck driver, you should file a claim against their insurance company. However, if there was no liability on behalf of either party involved in your accident (for example if it was purely accidental), then both parties’ insurers will cover any costs associated with repairing their vehicle(s). In these cases, there may not be any compensation available from either party’s insurer; however if there were injuries sustained during such accidents then both parties could seek legal advice about filing personal injury claims with third party firms such as Accident Advice Helpline or Law Centre Ireland .

How much compensation can you get?

The amount of compensation you can receive depends on the circumstances of your accident. If you need to pay for medical bills, or if you’ve missed work because of the accident, those costs can be claimed from the other party.

In Ireland, personal injury lawyer claims are usually based on two types: special damages and general damages. Special damages are things like medical expenses or loss of earnings (that is, wages). General damages cover pain and suffering as well as any other losses resulting from an injury sustained in a road traffic accident.

How long do you have to file a claim?

In Ireland, the time limit for making a claim is six years. This means that after six years has passed since your accident, you will not be able to file a lawsuit against the person who caused it or their insurance company.

If you are injured in an accident and do not seek medical attention immediately, then there may be problems with getting compensation later on down the line. In these cases, it’s important to act quickly so that any injuries can be properly treated and documented before they heal over time or become more serious than they would have been otherwise. If necessary, make sure that someone drives you directly from where you were hit into hospital so that proper records can be made without delay

Ireland has a no-fault insurance system for the most part, but there are still cases where it makes sense to seek compensation from another party.

Ireland has a no-fault insurance system for the most part, but there are still cases where it makes sense to seek compensation from another party. If you were injured in a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation.

If your injuries were caused by another driver’s negligence (i.e., they were driving while intoxicated), then that person is responsible for your medical bills and other expenses related to your injury. However, if you were at fault for causing the crash yourself–even if it was just because of poor visibility on their part–you may not be able to sue them successfully even though they caused your injuries!


We hope that this guide has provided some clarity on how to navigate the process of filing a claim after an accident in Ireland. It can be overwhelming, but we’re here to help! If you have any questions or concerns about what we’ve discussed here today, please don’t hesitate to contact our team.

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